“ I can't work with that Swine. X is Swine.” These words
were forwarded to Rachael who had
recently joined an organization which had crazy boss and the team was highly demotivated. For a minute she was awestruck because not
only she was shocked to read those lines but was surprised that how someone can
write such lines for a colleague. She thought “from” must be junior or a fresher and doesn’t know much about
business communication but she was amazed to find out that “from” was part of
the senior management and a very close friend of COO. The fact that he was
writing this mail to one of his juniors and by mistake he sent to x person ( sometimes
it does happen that we send to the wrong person about whom we are writing
instead of the right recipient). Now x person
reported to Rachael and complained to her that he has raised this issue
many times with Rachael’s boss but he has not yet taken any action. Hence he
was asking for her help. Rachael decided
to discuss with her boss but got the same old reply that “from” is senior
person and it's already been highlighted to MD but MD has decided not to take
any action on same. Since its sensitive issue and Rachael's boss is handling it
she should be out of this. So for Rachael it was a tough decision as Boss is
saying to stay away and here is a colleague who is looking at her with hope
that she will help him getting justice. So it was an ethical question for Rachael… She
did which she always do when she is stuck in such dilemma’s. She asked herself
what is right… and she got the answer that “from” is wrong and he has to apologize….
Rachael raised the issue in a forum and “from” had to apologize but that
apology was not from the heart but for the sake of it….. So here the question
is -
When business leaders make mistakes , should they apologize

Traditional thinking
says they can’t afford to, because by
doing so is an admission of guilt that can go against them in the future.
However an emerging school of thought says that apologizing isn’t as risky as
previously believed. It's better to apologize and set up an example that
apologizing doesn’t make one small and create culture in the organization that
anyone who makes the mistake will have to apologize… No matter which position
the person holds. Ethics are the accepted principles of conduct that govern
behavior within the society. Put another way ethical principles define the
boundary between right and wrong. For me its knowing the difference between
what you have “right” to do and what is right thing to do. To make the right
choices as a business communicator you have responsibility to think through not
only what you say but also the consequences of saying it. Ethical behavior is a
companywide concern, of course but because communication efforts are the public
face of a company, they are subjected to rigorous scrutiny from regulators,
legislators, investors, consumer groups, environmental groups, labour
organizations and anyone else effected by business activities.

Lets come back to Rachael… The other problem she faced was
that team was highly demotivated so she decided to figure out the issue by
simple method .. by doing “Root cause analysis”. She knew the symptoms of
demotivation in the team were – Negativity, Dislike of each other, No team
bonding, Keeping to oneself, ego, arrogance, immaturity. She could have easily
erased these symptoms by doing small activities like team outing, appreciating
the team, asking HR help and getting the training organized for the team
members but she chose not to do so because simply by removing the symptoms the
chances of reappearing the symptoms are much higher. (Its like fixing the bug
temporarily and bug reappearing every financial year. Therefore its very
important to fix the bug from the root. )
Hence she decided to get into the root cause of the
issue. She asked 3 questions to herself
Factors- What had led to this situation
Reason - Why it happened
Solution - What to do so that it doesn’t arise
Hmm… It was a tough
task. She decided to make problem chart. Problem with higher management (
including her boss), Problem with group as whole ( colleagues of different
department), Problem with oneself.

Well she could figure out that all the 3 areas defined above
were the root cause of the problem and being in the position she was in, she
decided to let it go or leave it to the way it is as there is an intelligent
saying “ Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain
confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control. “ And
Rachael didn’t have any control. She didn’t wish to take control but wished
that her seniors could take control of the situation. Even if she would have
tried to control she was sure that she would have failed because strategy is
successful only when executed from top to bottom not the other way round. When
we suffer from myopia its better to get it operated rather than putting eye
solution, as short term solution will lead to blurred vision and eventually
will lead to blindness.
* Image credit = Creative commons
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